New blog in place
We here at Prø want to keep you up to date on everything we do with our website, and provide an insight in the world of traffic. We think that’s best done with a blog.
This year Prø will have existed for ten years. During those 10 years in business we haven’t been very good at keeping you up to date on what happens with our website, and we have a strong desire to get better at that. That’s why we decided to write a blog.
Through this blog you’ll get to know all of our employees:
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Teoriprøven for bil
- Leif Erik is responsible for the content on this site. His daily duties include support and keeping the the exercises up to date. He’ll be the one writing a lot of the content on this blog.
- Francis is our CEO. He normally spends his days make sure everyone else does their job, and he does development on this website and on other projects we run.
- I (Vegard) am the CTO. I mostly spend my days programming prø (and other services we run). If I’m writing, it will usually be about the technical changes on the site.
We hope to publish new posts here every week. Although our main focus will be Norwegian blog posts, we do have quite a few ideas that we think will be well suited for our English-speaking audience.